
Born and raised in Atlanta, where he currently resides, Matthew Scandroli took an interest in art at an early age. His grandfather, a commercial artist, was his inspiration during his early childhood, teaching him drawing techniques whenever the opportunity presented itself. Graduating college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, he took up digital media.

Influenced by his creative abilities, thinking back, he cannot remember a time where he was not doing something creative. Similarly, both of his parents have been inspirational in the development of his art over the years. He attributes his success and talents to his faith and the support of family and friends.

Being heavily influenced by The Hudson River and Rocky Mountain Schools of painting, he has always enjoyed landscape painting. Always attempting to replicate nature’s simplistic beauty that resides all around us, that sense of serene peace that God’s Creation has to offer. That which allows us all to escape from the clutter of everyday life.

Inspired by God’s many blessings and the awe-inspiring beauty of His Marvelous Creation, he hopes for his work to be a message which brings hope and inspiration to many, filling people with a sense of comfort, joy, and peace.